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Laure Julien: The Bamboo Artist Bending Cultures Through Design

Laure Julien: The Bamboo Artist Bending Cultures Through Design

  • Podcast

ThinkBamboo podcast Ep.44 Founder of Studio TAKE, Laure Julien shares her unique journey from studying fashion in Paris to mastering bamboo craft in Japan. Laure Julien, an artist and designer, discusses her work with bamboo and the challenges of using bamboo in Europe. One of the biggest challenges right now in Europe is basically just the perception and understanding of what’s possible with bamboo.

Think Bamboo Podcast with Holland - Creative Director of Culm-Innate Studio located in Vietnam

Unique Temporal Bamboo Installations For A Reality That Make You Think

  • Podcast

Explore the 26th episode of the ThinkBamboo Podcast and step into the creative mind of visionary Bamboo Artist, Holland. As the Creative Director of Culm-Innate Studio in Vietnam, Holland shares his journey as a Bamboo Designer, Contractor, Installation Artist, and Art Teacher, making this episode a captivating dive into the world of bamboo from a artistic point of view.

Think Bamboo Podcast with Lorena Nolte Architect from Peru in Germany

Bamboo Education: A Quest Infused with Ancestral Peruvian Magic

  • Podcast

In ThinkBamboo Podcast’s 24th episode, we spoke with Lorena Nolte, a Peruvian “Bamboo Architect Extraordinaire” in Germany. She combines ancient Peruvian building wisdom with modern European design, advocating for bamboo as a sustainable, regenerative, and versatile construction material, showcasing the fusion of ancient and contemporary sustainability in architecture.